Walk Away From Love



  E5           G5           A5
    I know you   I know you doubt what I am saying

 E5               G5                 A5        F5
   You think that I've been deceived
E5          G5              A5           --5-6-7--  same riff as above
  To follow after what some call a weak man's haven
E5             G5               A5             F5
   It seems so simple that it's hard to believe that

E         G              A              D
  I can't understand why you would walk away from love
E            G              A               D
  No I don't understand why you would walk away from love
E            G              A              D
  Just can't understand why you would walk away from love
E            G              A              D
  I'll never understand why you would walk away from love.

E5        G5             A5            --5-6-7--
Maybe I'm right and He's waiting at the table
E5       G5              A5             F5
Maybe it happened when I saw it was my sin
E5         G5            A5              ---5-6-7--
Maybe He's waiting for a chance to show you true love
E5           G5             A5
Maybe you'll never get this chance again

E         G              A              D
  I can't understand why you would walk away from love
E            G              A               D
  No I don't understand why you would walk away from love
E            G              A              D
  Just can't understand why you would walk away from love
E            G              A              D
  I'll never understand why you would walk away from love.

B5    D5     C#5    C5
I'm a fool   So are you
B5    D5     C#5    C5
I'm a fool   So are you
B5                    D5                              C#5                    C5
Maybe you think I'm a fool for what I'm saying, maybe that's what I'd like to be
B5                        D5                     C#5                           C5
Or maybe you're a fool to say you're a wise man, either way you lose unless you meet with my king





** = bend string up and down
* = bend string up

E         G              A              D
  I can't understand why you would walk away from love
E            G              A               D
  No I don't understand why you would walk away from love
E            G              A              D
  Just can't understand why you would walk away from love
E            G              A              D
  I'll never understand why you would walk away from love.
repeat chorus to end

B+ Chords    http://BPlusChords.tripod.com